Once you have uploaded the content into the 'Learning Library' of the Portfolio Manager, you can now assign it to the relevant Courses and Knowledge Domains in the LMS portal.
There are 2 different ways of working, depending on the type of Learning Plan you have chosen:
1. Steps to assign Content for type FLOW
1.1. Upload Content
Go to 'Content' and click '+ Add Content':
Here you will get a list of all Content that you uploaded into the Learning Library of the Portfolio Manager.
Choose the “type of content” and activate the checkbox in front of the relevant document so that the “name” is filled in automatically (overwrite if wanted).
If you are uploading a test, you can define the threshold for passing it.
Next, you can define the correct answers. These values will decide if the user has passed / failed the test - based on your threshold.
The ‘Question key’ is the ‘Display Label’ of your PowerPoint plugin element. The ‘Correct answer’ is the ‘Answer value’ of the correct answer of your element:
1.2. Create Courses
Go to 'Courses' and click '+ Add Course':
Give you course a name
1.3. Assign Content to a Course
Open a Course by clicking on it.
Here you can drag & drop the content you want to add to this course. When finished, click “Save new version” and give your version a name.
After saving it, you can click on the ‘pencil’-icon and choose what type of test it is:
1.4. Assign a Course to a Knowledge Domain
Go to “Learning Plans” and click on your learning plan:
Click on ‘Courses’
Select your Knowledge Domain and drag & drop Courses in it.
For each of the Courses you can define if this is a course, a pre-test or a final test by clicking on the ‘pencil’-icon.
You can also ‘overwrite’ the threshold of a test if needed. The threshold for a test will be based on the threshold on the ‘Knowledge Domain’-level.
- Pre-test is the implementation of a feature request to support the following scenario: the user first takes the test and if he/she passes they don’t need to view any other content, if they fail they need to read other content and then retake the test until they pass.
- Conditional test is the implementation of a feature request to support the following scenario:
the user first needs to view some content and at the end take a test, if he/she fails they need to view the content again and retake the test.
Main difference: a pre-test is taken before reading other content, a conditional test can only be taken after reading other content first.
2. Steps to assign Content for type MATRIX
2.1. Create Modules and Levels
Click on your Learning Plan to create the different Levels and Modules you want.
You can choose a name, description and image for the different modules / levels.
2.2. Assign Content to Modules / Levels
Go to ‘Content’ in the left navigation bar and click on ‘+ New Content’
Here you will get a list of all Content that you uploaded into the Learning Library of the Portfolio Manager.
Choose the “type of content” and activate the checkbox in front of the relevant document so that the “name” is filled in automatically (overwrite if wanted).
If you are uploading a test, you can define the threshold for passing the test.
Next, you can define the correct answers. These values will decide if the user has passed/failed the test (based on your threshold)
The ‘Question key’ is the ‘Display Label’ of your PowerPoint plugin element. The ‘Correct answer’ is the ‘Answer value’ of the correct answer of your element: