If you're having problems using the Portfolio Manager (for example: can't upload content or some of the covers are not showed correctly) or while working with the SalesMatik app (for example: some publications can't open) your IT administrator will need to white-list the URL's that are being used by d!nk in the proxy or Antivirus.
White-listing of URL in Proxy
We use the following domains:
- dink-kiosk.appspot.com
- grow.dink.eu
- https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/eu.dink.cdn.pdf/*
https://sites.dink.eu/* - https://webapp.dink.eu/*
https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/eu.dink.xod/* -
* https://test-grow2.dink.eu/*https://test-webviever.dink.eu/* -
* https://grow2.dink.eu/*https://webviever.dink.https://webapp2.dink.eu/*eu/*
for Dynamic Value, values are fetched by calling an API at https://dink-kiosk.appspot.com
We're using a GET request but this is preceded by an OPTIONS request.
The OPTIONS method must be allowed by the configuration.
the d!nk app does not use client certificates and certificate pinning.
Specifically for the Windows app, we have incorporated NTLMv2 into the d!nk app to allow authentication through the corporate proxy settings.
White-listing in Anti-Virus
System admin must set "dink.exe" as an exception in the anti-virus. Because dink does contain some encryption code, the Anti-virus could be marking dink as false positive (thinks dink is "ransomware"). Example: https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/1059964.aspx
If whitelisting needs to happen based on filepath, then it is advised to whitelist both the LocalContentFolder and ApplicationFolder, example:
- C:\Users\username\AppData\
- C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\dINKbvba.
In order to avoid updating the whitelist after each app update, it is advised to whitelist using wildcard \dINKbvba.*