Choose languages and regions for the displayed publications


On the landing page of the app, you can open your settings by clicking on the 'Settings'-icon:


In the pop-up that appears you can click to 'Set your language'


And then tap on one or more languages - available for your company - that you need to see the publications for:


You will now see the publications in the selected language(s) AND for the default language of your company. 

For the regions; you'll see the publications of the region(s) that your admin has assigned to you AND of the default region.
To also see publications from other regions you need to request access. To do so, you click on 'Request a change of region' in the settings:


And then select on one or more regions - available for your company - that you would like to have access to + click 'Submit': 


An email will be sent out to your enterprise admin to also grant access to the requested regions.
Once the admin has updated your settings in the admin portal, you will see the additional publications appear in your app. 


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