Users analytics


When opening the d!nk Analytics:


You will find a menu bar at the left for the details per topic. 
The fifth one is about the 'Users': 


In the 'Users' menu you can use the filter on top of the overview to search for the relevant user(s). Once found, you can open the details by clicking on the mceclip3.png underneath 'Actions' to check:

  1. Access Overview
  2. User's Interaction
  3. Content Usage
  4. Content Slide Interaction
  5. Account Hubs
  6. Campaign Messages Sharing

1. Access Overview

This overview will tell you straight away what the latest installed app version is for this user, on the devices he/she is using. It will also tell you what the latest access was and the exact number of visits for the App, Newsfeed, Content, CRM and the Account Hub Admin environment: 


2. User's Interaction

This graph will show you the activity from this user for the last 90 days - 6 months - last year - all time: 


Hoovering over the dots on the lines will display the exact duration. 
Clicking on them, will generate a pop-up with the users involved and the publications used. 

If you want to adapt the timeframe even more specific than the options available in the dropdown, you can adapt the slider on top by moving the buttons at the left and/or right:


3. Content Usage

You want to know what publications this user is using mostly? 


With the dropdown at the left you can select the timeframe of your choice. 
By hoovering over one of the bars in the graph, you will get the exact timing details presented for that publication.

By sliding the buttons up or down wards, you can zoom in on the presentations you want to see: 


With the dropdown in the middle of the graph, you can choose the order: 


4. Content Slide Interaction

How is this user working with a specific publication? 


Check out the number of visits and the average duration spent per slide.
For larger presentations you can zoom in or out by moving the grey buttons at the top of the graph to the left and/or right.


5. Account Hubs

This graph will show you the account hub creation of this user for the last 90 days - 6 months - last year - all time: 


Hoovering over the dots on the lines will display the exact number of account hubs. 
If you want to adapt the timeframe even more specific than the options available in the dropdown, you can adapt the slider on top by moving the grey buttons at the top of the graph to the left and/or right.

6. Campaign Messages Sharing

This graph will show you the sharing of the campaign messages for the last 90 days - 6 months - last year - all time: 


Hoovering over the dots on the lines will display the exact number of shares. 
If you want to adapt the timeframe even more specific than the options available in the dropdown, you can adapt the slider on top by moving the grey buttons at the top of the graph to the left and/or right.

Want to find out more? Go to the next article about the 6th menu: User groups analytics


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