Archive or revoke access to Account Hubs


When you have created an account hub for a customer, it is still possible to archive it or to revoke the access completely for this customer:  

1. Archive account hubs

When you - as a sales rep - are archiving an account hub, it will no longer show up in your account hubs overview.

The archived account hub will become un-archived when

  • the sales rep shares a publication to this account hub (it will only be un-archived for this particular sales rep in case multiple sales reps had archived this account hub)
  • there is customer activity in the account hub (it will become un-archived for all sales reps involved)
  • the sales rep goes to the archived account hubs and un-archives manually

2. Revoke access

When you revoke the access to an account hub, it means the customer will not have access to it anymore. 

A sales rep can only revoke access to the publications that he/she shared with this customer.

Important notes: 

  • when multiple users have shared publications to the same customer, only the publications shared by this sales rep will be no longer accessible
  • in case a customer has only 1 account hub with content from 1 user, the login will no longer be possible and this message will be displayed: “You do not have access anymore”).
  • If a customer has account hubs from multiple sales reps from different enterprises, the customer can still login but will not see the account hub(s) with revoked access.



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