Build a video library


Creating a video library is incredibly easy and only requires functions that are already available in PowerPoint.

The above in combination with the d!nk algorithm makes a great video library on your tablet.

1/ Start by inserting your videos in PowerPoint

Open a PowerPoint with the optimal resolution settings.

Then click "Insert" > "Video" > "Video on My PC".
(Make sure your video isn't over our upload limit of 200 MB. You can resize it with free online tools.)

2/ Build a navigation

After you've inserted your videos on each slide, you can start building your navigation. 
We will be using the rectangle shape to design our own buttons: Create the button and add the desired text via "Insert" > "Shapes" > "Rectangle".

Repeat this for all your videos and make the buttons available on all slides. You can also use a "Master Slide" to setup the navigation.

3/ Add links to your buttons

Linking slides is very easy. More details about creating links in PowerPoint can be found here.

Right click on the shape you want create the link on > "Link" > "Place in this document" > Select "Slide X" > "OK".

Repeat this for all the buttons. 

4/ Finetuning

You can add extra details for example a darker color for the "active button" you're on, indicating the location you're at inside the presentation.

Great! You now created a video library so that your colleagues can now easily navigate from video to video.

Tip for the top: You can also add a placeholder for each video replacing the first frame of the video whenever it is not the image you want to have displayed before playing the video.




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