How to insert graphs


By using the dynamic graph you can create personalized graphs for your customer on the spot.

First you will need to create input fields to be able to fill out the variables of the graph.
You can use 'open question', 'multiple choice' and 'slider rating bar' to create these input fields.

Next you can click on the 'Graph'-button.


And fill out the details in the pop-up: 


  1. Give your graph a name in the 'Display Label'.

  2. Choose the Chart Type:
    1. Vertical Column
    2. Horizontal Column
    3. Pie Chart
    4. Spider/Radar Chart
    5. Stacked Horizontal Column
    6. Stacked Vertical Column
    7. Line

  3. Create your variables by selecting the input fields you created in the previous step. You can add or delete your variables and change the color of each individual variable. (Except for Spider/Radar Chart, where only 1 color can be assigned for all variables).
    You can also add a legend and set the legend name of your variables.

If you choose to use the Vertical Column or the Horizontal Column chart type, you can add axis labels.


For the Spider/Radar Chart, you must add at least 3 variables. You also have the option here to include Axis Values. 


Please note that the Spider/Radar Chart is not available in the Windows app. 

You can download a .pptx file with examples here.


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